#Day 3 -- Moving forward

#Day 3 -- Moving forward

Data Structure and Algorithm:

  • Implemented bubble sort. I came up with one naive solution but end up getting three solutions.

Discrete Mathematics:

  • Solved 10 simple problems on Permutation and Combination.

  • Completed Set Theory and now doing Mathematics Logics.

Django Web Development:

  • Made a simple website which can manipulate text. For example: Removing spaces, Converting text into uppercase and lowercase and removing new lines.

  • Added Bootstrap to the website as well(Personally I don't like this library :()


  • Watched Python interview question by edureka there were 10 questions which were related to python.

  • Difference between tuples and list?

  • How multi threading is achieved in Python?

  • How can we use ternary operator in Python?

  • What is monkey patching?

  • Write a sorting algorithm for a numerical dataset in python? for example: list = ["1", "2","7","8"]

  • What is the output of A = dict(zip(('a', 'b', 'c', 'd'),(1,2,3,4))) There were 3 question more of similar type.

  • Explain inheritance in Python?